I've had a kit in my cupboard for this very cute bear for about 16 years..
It's not one of Lisa's patterns but I knew she'd be able to help me and teach me what to do..

Isn't he a sweetie?
This of course is not my bear as it turns out they take a long time to make.. Well it felt like a long time as I'm so impatient. But after 16 years, at least we are getting closer.. (This is the photo of the front cover of the pattern.)

This is the picture of all the bits being traced and cut out. I learnt a few things about bears today..
1/ If they are under $100 then buy it as it's worth the money.
2/ Never try to cut corners by trying to make them faster. There is an art to bear making.
3/Always stick you pattern pieces onto cardboard before you trace out the pieces.
4/ most fabrics need to be pulled into 'square' before you start.
5/ Bear fabric has a direction so make sure all your bits are facing the correct way.. (A bit like dressmaking)
6/ Always read the instructions about 20 times before you start the next step.. If it says to use small scissors then use small scissors!

Hopefully you can see in this photo above the difference a pair of scissors makes. The top most piece, I used large scissors and went about cutting out the pieces.. Why not I thought?? It's quicker with big scissors. I can get round tiny corners...
Turns out NO!!!
You need tiny scissors so you can cut the fabric and not the fur. You need the fur long so it will hide the seams!

And you need a thousand pins! Each section as you sew two bits together, you have to tuck the 'fluffy fur' inside and then pin. I never use pins so you can imagine my fascination with this bit...
My bear is at least stitched or tacked in all his funny little body parts and Lisa will be taking me on my journey next, on how to put the 'joints' in the bear.
I'm excited!
My first bear and it even is starting to look like a bear.
Lisa was very patient and quite 'firm' that I had to stitch it all myself so I learnt heaps and heaps!!
Next year Lisa will be coming to our side of town to teach bear making. She will be in my shop one day per month. More info on that will come through as we set dates.
Below is a picture of Lisa's latest gorgeous girl. We had to go take her for her 'photo shoot' this afternoon as she is going to be entered in a worldwide bear show..

Isn't she just gorgeous?! Yet to be named but I believe already heading to Tasmania, after the show, she was just beautiful.

This little 'Hobbo' is called Ted. He was a gift from Lisa this year and has had many a mauling whilst I was at the doctors etc. Such a lovely comfort and he fits in my pocket.
So if you like bears, come join us, if you have an old kit then get it out and let's get it started. If you want to make one then Lisa has everything in stock that you will need and kits available.
I loved my day making my bear and will keep you up to date on his progress.
You can find Megelle's on Facebook if you wish to see more of her bears.
Lisa is a fantastic teacher. Hard to bribe.. But fantastic..
Happy Stitching
Location:Brandy Gully Patchwork
Oh Nikki, you gave me a laugh this morning.....because it's all so true! We underestimate the effort it takes to make something when someone makes it look so effortless don't we? 'Yeah, I can do that'- sometimes is just not as easy as it seems! lol Wish I lived closer, would love to join in but I'll be watching from the sidelines......:( Loving your posts girl....keep it up! xox hugs :o)
I'm looking forward to seeing your bear finished. lIsa's bears are just gorgeous ! Keep on blogging
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