Which comes first? The chicken or the egg?
As in my last post on here, I am making up a quilt whilst 'bashing my stash'.
So you can do it too (because it is so easy and so quick), google '1600 jelly roll quilts' and you will find a you tube on how to make a really quick quilt top using a jelly roll...
One like this

(Thats Karens little feet under there) this top was a jelly roll Karen had but didnt know what to do with it.. in less than 3 hours it was all done and ready to sandwich...
Ann did one using a Blue 'rainbow'..

And mine was a green 'Rainbow' pack.

Im going to applique wild animals on mine to remind us of our trip to Dubbo Zoo last year..
so as you can see it was a very productive night whilst we watched 'The Block' final last week

The large screen TV is obviously on the left of this photo LOL
So with finding this 'way too easy' method of putting a top together, i decided to chop up my stash into strips..
fat quarters and meterage were all cut.. i did however cut the strips 3" wide so the quilt was bigger and because there was SO much fabric, I cut more than the standard 40 strips of a jelly roll!

And of course, there was so MUCH in the stash.. I cut the same amount for the backing..

Obviously I am still motoring through this part as I write this...
to make the back bigger for the Quilting part, i cut some extra strips to make it wider and will have to add a strip to top or bottom of the quilt when finished.. i may even use up all the Chooky Cushion Panels I have and put them through the middle..
So I hope you are having a Hoppy Easter break and if you want to have a quilt top done in just a few hours, heres a great one to do..
In the USA they have 'Jelly Roll Races' so maybe get a couple of friends together, watch the Youtube and get racing..
Enjoy yourself and let me know if you Raced with a jelly roll. LOL